Why Do Businesses Need Both Security Guards and CCTV Surveillance?

Running a business is not always as easy as it sounds. As an entrepreneur, you have to think about many things, such as ensuring the store runs smoothly and managing employees. However, protecting your business from potential harm is the most important concern. This is where security guards and CCTV surveillance come in. The next question is, how do security guards and CCTV surveillance protect your business?

How Do Security Guards Help Businesses?

Security guards are like the watchful eyes of your business. They are there to make sure everything is safe and in order. Here’s how they help:

security guards

How Does CCTV Surveillance & Monitoring Help?

CCTV surveillance involves setting up cameras to monitor a property continuously and record activities. However, simply installing the cameras is not enough; there should be someone who actively monitors the CCTV feeds in real time. This allows for immediate action in response to suspicious events and enables quick alerts to you and the security team. Here’s how CCTV surveillance and monitoring benefits you:

What Happens If You Only Have One of These?

Some business owners might think, 'I can get away with just one of these—a security guard or CCTV surveillance.’ But, what happens if you only have one and not both? Let’s see the downsides.

If You Only Have a Security Guard:

If You Only Invest in CCTV Surveillance:

The Best Option: Having Both Security Guards and CCTV

Now that we’ve seen what can happen when you have only one, it’s clear that having both security guards and CCTV surveillance & monitoring is the best option. Here’s why:

Complete Protection:

A security guard and CCTV together can cover all areas of your business. The guard can respond to immediate threats, while the CCTV can record everything happening and provide evidence.

Peace of Mind:

Knowing that both options are in place will give you peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about theft, accidents, or anything else going unnoticed.


When used together, a security guard can focus on critical areas, while CCTV can help monitor less risky areas. This balance can save you money in the long run and make your security plan more effective.

Backup for Each Other:

If a security guard misses something, the CCTV footage can fill in the gaps. And if the CCTV camera fails, the guard can still keep an eye on everything and respond to any issues.


You want your business to be safe and secure, and having both security guards and CCTV surveillance & monitoring is one of the best ways to achieve that. Security guards provide a physical presence and quick action, while CCTV provides constant monitoring and proof of what’s happening. When you have both, your business will be well-protected against crime, accidents, and other risks.

If you choose only one, you could be missing out on valuable protection, which could cost you in the long run. So, for the best security solution, always go with both – your business and employees will thank you!

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